The speed of training is determined at the time you add troops to the queue and depends on a number of factors that will vary from player to player:
Example: 2 Barracks x level 1 = will train 100 supply troops in 1/2 the time that it takes a city with only 1 Barrack level 1.
Simply put the more Barracks the faster the training, the more cottages the more you can train, the higher the buff the quicker the training.
I usually set up at least 13 Barracks per city, and that may very depending on what buildings you may not want to build. As mentioned before the Spire and Alchemy Labs are not necessarily needed in every city.
The following are factors that help with the training of your troops:
- Quantity of Barracks - the more you have the faster they will train.
- Barracks Level - each level above 1 increases the training speed by 10%.
- Research Level - in Geometry increases the training speed of siege engines by 10% per level.
- Stable Level - increases the training speed of horsed units by 10%.
- Workshop Level - increases the training speed of wagons and siege engines by 10% per level.
- Marshall Combat Level - increases the training speed of all troops.
- Cottages Level - Provide the amount of troops you can train at any given time.
- Throne Room Buffs - can speed up your training time.
- Stone Guardian - helps with training.
The table below gives you the base training time for each unit, which is the time they would require for training in a single, level 1 Barracks with no other modifiers, and is based on ratio numbers seconds per might:
Supply Troop = 50
Militia = 25
Scout = 50
Pikeman = 75
Swordsman = 75
Archer = 87.5
Cavalry = 100
Heavy Cavalry = 214
Supply Wagon =167
Ballista = 333
Battering rams= 500
Catapults = 600
The ascended cities have the new troops that can be trained, the following are troops can only be done in an ascended city. The example includes a training speed buff of 198%:
Ascended 4 times - 2 Briton Barracks Level 1 - 1 Siege Walls = 7 minutes 38 seconds
Ascended 1 time - 2 Druid Barracks Level 9 - Bloodthorn = 3 minutes 56 seconds
Ascended 1 time - 2 Fey Barracks Level 9 - Executioner = 4 minutes 42 seconds
Here you can see that militiamen takes 25 seconds to gain 1 might, while scouts use 50 seconds per might. These 2 troops gain the might the fastest. If you are looking to build simple might these are what you would want to build.
Might builders usually put 1k militiamen after every queue to gain might faster. But think about that before you decide to do that. We've talked about a house of cards with just building might. Building might and with militiamen will leave you with very little to attack or defend with.
Cancelling Training
If you cancel a queued unit training assignment you get back 50% of the resources the unit had cost, as well as 50% of the population initially consumed in the queue.
Throne Room Enhancements:
One of the most important Throne Room enhancements to the game is Troop Training Speed (TTS). This attribute reduces the time it takes to train troops, and the maximum amount of TTS allowed is 4000%. Each 100% cuts the time it takes to training time of a troop in half. So if training 10000 archers takes 60 minutes here is how long it would take with TTS added to the TR.
- 100% – 30 minutes
- 200% – 15 minutes
- 300% – 7.5 minutes
- 400% – 3.75 minutes
The down side to TTS is the massive amount of resources and population that is required to keep up with the training the troops so fast. This is the exact problem that many who bot end up having. Thus unable to support their troops.
Troop Stats
Every troop type in KoC has stats assigned to them. They can be viewed when you go into your barracks and click on them to train them. All of your Offensive troops (the ones trained in the Barracks) will have these same set of stats listed, just with different values based on the troop you are looking at.
There are eight stats listed:
1. Attack - this stat simply refers to the amount of damage your troop does when it attacks.
2. Defense - this is your troops’ ability to absorb damage they receive while being attacked.
3. Life - It is the total amount of damage your troop can receive before they are considered dead.
4. Upkeep - is how much food your troop will consume in 1 hour.
- NOTE: Defensive troops, such as Traps, Caltrops, Spiked Barriers etc., do not have an Upkeep, Load or Type stat, instead they have a "Space Stat" denoting how many spaces it occupies on your walls.
5. Speed - this number refers to is how fast your troops move. Each troop has a set number of spaces they are allowed to move.
6. Range - means how far away your troop can be from an enemy and still be able to attack.
7. Load - this is how many resources that specific troop can carry.
8. Type - this is the classification that your troop falls under. There are five troop classifications in Kingdoms of Camelot, some of these troops are unable to be built and are referred to as Money Troops (MT).
- INFANTRY = Supply Troops, Militiamen, Scouts, Pikemen, Swordsmen, Bloodthorn, Executioners, Halberdier (MT), Saboteur.
- RANGED = Archers, Flaming Archers (Need Pristine Yew Branch's To Build).
- HORSED = Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Hussars (MT).
- SIEGE = Supply Wagons, Ballista, Battering Rams, Catapults, and Siege Walls, Heavy Onager (MT).
- MAGIC = Shield Sorcerer, Soul Stealer (MT), Plague Doctor(MT), Toxi Conjurer.
9. Accuracy - There is actually a 9th hidden stat that all troops have however it is not listed in the training tool tip, and that is accuracy. Accuracy is what is known as a “Troop Multiplier” and influences the effectiveness of your troops in battle. Every type of troop has a specific multiplier against every other troop type, the values range from 0.1 to 1.9 (without Throne Room influence).
How does a "troop modifier" work? When the game is calculating damage caused by your troops to another, it doesn't necessarily base it on the actual number of troops you sent, instead, it applies the Accuracy to your troops and calculates damage from that number instead.
Example: Archers have an accuracy of 0.8 against Cavalry, if you send 100K Archers against Cavalry, due to accuracy alone, it will be like only sending 80K Archers (100k*0.8) are hitting Cavalry in 1 round.
Below is a table with all the accuracy stats for each troop going up against another troop that you would need to factor in when sending a wave to attack another castle.
NOTE: This is also why it is vital to SCOUT the person you are attacking.
The column on the right would be the attacking troop. The column along the top would be the type of troop it would be attacking. Unfortunately as of yet we do not have all the data for all the troops.NOTE: This is also why it is vital to SCOUT the person you are attacking.
- SUPPLY TROOP - (infantry) - Supply Troops are not very good at fighting, but can carry resources to your other cities or friends, or carry loot back when you plunder enemy cities.
- MILITIAMEN (infantry) - are citizens of your city who have some military training. They are a good beginning for your army but no match for troops with true training.
- SCOUTS (infantry) - move quickly, and bring back information about enemy positions and numbers but are not strong fighters. See Using Scouts and Eagle Eyes.
- PIKEMEN (infantry) - are the most basic heavily trained troops. Their long pikes are very effective against horses.
- SWORDSMEN (infantry) - are well armored, and are the strongest melee troops. Their shields make them effective against Archers.
- ARCHERS (ranged) - can destroy the enemy's troops from a distance but are vulnerable up close.
- CAVALRY (horse) - move very quickly on horseback and have devastating attacks.
- HEAVY CAVALRY (horse) - are far more armored than regular Cavalry. This armor provides them defense and more power to their attacks but costs them some speed.
- SUPPLY WAGONS - are heavily fortified to carry anything you need through a raging battle and not lose the cargo.
- BALLISTA (siege) - fire huge arrow-like bolts at long ranges. They are effective against other siege weapons.
- BATTERING RAMS (siege) - are large log-like object, used for knocking down the enemy's defenses.
- CATAPULTS (siege) - throw large rocks from a huge distance. They are most effective against the enemy's defenses.
- Wall Mounted Crossbows -
- BLOODTHORN (infantry) - Born of the wilderness, the Bloodthorn unit is an elite warrior that specializes in dealing quick, deadly blows to its enemies.
- EXECUTIONER (infantry) - Born of Ice and Steel, the Executioner is an elite unit that specializes in overwhelming its enemies with massive force.
- SIEGE WALL (siege) - guarantees advancement on the battlefield for its army.
- FLAME ARCHERS (ranged) - are extremely adept at slaying troops from a distance. Their flame-tipped arrows wreak extra damage when attack Dark Forests
- HUSSAR (horse) - are agile cavalry that take greatly reduced damage from Ranged and Siege units.
- HALBERDIER (infantry)- Highly disciplined anti-cavalry troops that crush through mounted opposition with ease.
- HEAVY ONAGER (siege) - A heavy siege troop rarely seen since Roman times.
- SABOTEUR - These cunning troops specialize in disabling siege weapons, but cannot fight toe-to-toe with most combat troop.
- SHIELD SORCERER (magic) - Shield Sorcerers use their magic to protect your units from harm. While active, the shield will absorb damage and allow your army to advance on the enemy
- TOXIC CONJERER (magic) - creates a caustic cloud that will damage all enemies that pass through it.
- SOUL STEALER (magic) - are trained in the dark arts to drain the life force from your enemies to heal themselves and reinforce the ranks of their sisterhood.
- PLAGUE DOCTOR (magic) - have turned their knowledge of medicine and poisons against their enemies, causing damage throughout the battle.
The accuracy chart helps you to know what troops work best against what troops but that is only part of the equation to figure out. The throne room and champion each have contributing factors from both sides.
This game was not meant to be figured out over night it is by trial and error that you will begin to understand the battles. Take the time to read the reports. Look at what was send, what was defending, the champion used to win, and the throne room of the battles.
By watching these reports and asking questions in the alliance you will begin to pick it up. Our Military Advisers have played this game for sometime and know a lot when it comes to battles talk with them.
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