Monday, November 3, 2014

Madness Brewing - Philosophy and Rules

Since we are starting fresh we figured it is time to come out with some guide lines on what type of alliance we want to represent. Below you will find the Philosophy and Rules of this group. If you have any other input please let me know. 

Alliance Philosophy

We stand on a "moral high ground". We will treat other players with respect and courtesy that we wish to be treated with.  We will conduct ourselves as mature adults, remembering that this is a game and not real life.  

We understand that “Fighting” is an integral element of the game design; it is interesting and can be fun. However, attacking another player to take their resources is NOT honorable, attacking another player that is unable to fight back is a "bullying" conduct. We are not wimps and will fight to protect our alliance and when other players are abused.

                        **Bullying will never be a part of this alliance.**

Alliance Rules:

1.  We are an Honorable Alliance. Bullying or Attacking another player within a lower might range will not be tolerated. Please remember what it was like to be the little guy.  Breaking ones cards down to a certain level is considered acceptable way of playing.  Considering that other alliances do break cards.  Remember that everyone can only use 11 cards at a time so the only advantage another player can have on you is better cards in their throne room.  So if you break them down, you will be expected to play in that might range.  Going for lower accounts that yield no glory is bullying. However, if you have been attacked by someone of lower might you have the option to attack or not attack no matter what your might range would be on them.

2.  Farming and Cresting Others - We will not "Farm or Crest" accounts unless they have met one of the following criteria:  

  1. Left the game 
  2. Have fallen under the "in-active" status as we have defined. 
  3. Alliance listed on the Hostile list.
Any account that has been in-active for 10 days it will be considered a "in-active" account, if that player returns to the game we will stop all attacks, and offer assistance in helping the player out. If we accidentally violate our policy we will apologize and attempt to fix the error.  

NOTICE:  If we are being farmed with wagons we will respond accordingly with wagons, despite the status of that alliance.  Farming with wagons will be-considered a Hostile act and the person attack or the alliance has the right to get the resources back.  

The Military Advisers should be made aware of the attack through note-card giving all details, and they will determine if that whole alliance should be set to hostile or just that one person. Military Advisers will contact the Ambassador if negotiations need to be made.  The Ambassador will advise all officers and members on the outcome of the negotiations.  

We as an alliance will not tolerate any members being farmed, and do what is necessary to try and stop it.  If resources were gotten back by any alliance member through attacking the guilty party, it is to be returned to the person who first got hit should they desire.

Please check with to determine the length the person has been off. If you need resources please message officers for help, there is "NO" excuse for farming another player for resources who is trying to enjoy this game without proper cause. 

3.  No Wild Stealing. There are many wilderness/wilds on the map, DO NOT ATTACK another players wilds. Look closely to see that no one owns the wild before you attack it. Wilds are clearly marked with either the players name or question marks meaning the player is misted, DO NOT ATTACK them.

Attacking a players owned wild means war with some alliances. Mistakes can happen but an apology can make things right.  If you have attack a wild accidentally please do the following:

  • Notify the person -  of the mistake, inform them you will hold the wild for them, remember to recall your troops, till they take it back so that they don't have to send a large amount of troops.
  • Notify their alliance - by a note to the alliance using the message button from the list of alliance of the mistake. This will let the whole alliance know it was a mistake.
  • Notify our officers - by note-card; the players name, their alliance, and the cords of the wild. 
Notice:  If a player is showing inactive for 14 days on their wilds are totally free to take.  Kocmon shows you the growth and inactivity of a person for 14 days, due to the fact that level 10 and 9 wilds are hard to come by, those left in an inactive account are up for grabs.

Caution:  If you attempt to take a wild from a dead account, that is in an active alliance you will more then most likely have people from that alliance knocking at your door.  So research what you are doing before you do it, and if in doubt talk to one of the Military Advisers.

4.  Keep Chat Alive.  We realize that this might be difficult for some but we do want to encourage you to get to know your team mates. Talking about how this game works is good for everyone, so don't be shy to ask questions in open chat, or note-card and officer so it can be address when you are log on.  Talking in the chat on a regular basis will bond the alliance closer.

5.  Stay Active. We will drop you from the alliance after ten days of inactivity, unless we were informed.  By saying stay active, there is more to this game then simply coming in restarting your raids and leaving.  Smaller accounts need to be building and attempting to get your throne rooms together.  We realize that some do not bot and the ability to grow quickly is not possible, for many months I did not use a bot, however, I was able to get my accounts up high.  We have someone who will help you learn how to do that if you are not botting, do not let not botting be your excuse for not staying active.  Both Higher & Lower Accounts need to figure out how they best can help our group become an active group and pick one of the areas mention below to be a part of, this is a must to join the alliance. When you join you are saying you are agreeing with these terms.  If you do not agree with the terms then this might not be the alliance you want to join. 

If you are going to be away for a period of time "let an officer know" so we can keep an eye on your account. "Let us know" if there is a large amount of troops that will need food or if the account is basically a farm feeding another city, in addition "let us know" when you will be returning. This is simple to do, compose a note in the game, address it to either the alliance or officers, then state that you will not be on from the date your leaving till the date you will be returning, include with that any information you feel is needed concerning your cities, then send it out.  One note can reach the whole alliance.

We totally understand that real life pulls us from the game from time to time just "let us know". In cases where you will be gone for an extended period of time contact an officer and we will sent your account an invite into a back up alliance so it does not attract a lot of attention, when you return just contact an officer to be let back into Madness Brewing.

The key word is, "LET US KNOW".  If you do not inform us we will assume you lost interest in the game and remove you from the group.  Should you return to the game and want to return to the group, we will require and explanation on why you were unable to tell us why you went missing.  Your request will then be taken to the admissions committee to determine if you can return.

The reason for this is simple.  Your account when left alone will reflect as a red in active account on  Just like we have a tolerance for attacking in-actives so do other alliances have the policy.  So your account becomes a hot spot to hit, and then the alliance becomes involved not knowing what is happening with you, all because you didn't take the time to inform others you cannot make it on.  We don't need details, we will not judge the reason, we just "need to know" you will not be on and for how long.

6.  Alliance Information Stays In The Alliance. Be careful what you are saying to others outside our alliance, you never know how they could use that information against the alliance.  If talking in global, watch what you say you never know who is listening and who has what alt.  This is a war game and people look for alliances weakness.

          Warning:  Reading Global to long will make you go blind and insane.

7.  No Offensive Talk, Name Calling, or Whisper Wars With Any Player. Even in the heat of battle, all members are expected to conduct themselves maturely. We are to be mindful and have respect for all our alliance mates and other game players. Inappropriate derogatory language or innuendos shows both a lack of education and poor communication skills, it will not be tolerated. 

8.  Sharing Resources & Supporting Team Mates.  We will work as a team and expect all to willingly share knowledge and resources. This includes reinforce a teammate against an attacker, and to help attack an enemy if needed.

Resources Tip:  Gathering resources is a necessary part of the game in order to take care of your troop needs and in order to build.  To find the right balance of how many raids or how much resources should be save is a little bit tricky, but necessary to do so that you don't draw unwanted attention from higher players.  If you need to send out the overflow of resources contact and officer to put you in contact with people who are currently having safe cities to deal with the overflow.

9. HAVE FUN! This is just a game. If you are getting too stressed just click the "X" and take yourself out of the game. Nothing that happens here is worth you losing your sleep over. If you have a problem with another player in this alliance, let an officer know and we will try to help work it out.

What Area Will You Be Helping With?

There are five areas that you can help within this game along with keeping the chat going. We would encourage you to find an area that best suits your personality and get involved. One of the biggest problems we face as a group is that some people either do not know what to do or feel helpless to help. We have broken down areas in which you can help and we are asking that you join at least one of them.

  • Resource Storing - this is a person who, mostly builds their cities and doesn't mind storing food for the alliance should some one get wiped out.  In general you will want good storeroom protections and make a habit out of ascending. NOTE: It is not the end of the world if the person doing AP gets hit and all resources taken.  We all should be able to take care of our own needs through our raids.  Resource storing basically acts as a place others can get rid of the excess resources, if it then gets hit its not a big deal, in-fact if it gets too much to transfer, we might suggest you send a certain amount to the next city and let that city get farmed or when you abandon the city leave the bulk of the food there to be done away with.  We do not want you to have to spend hours transferring food from one city to another.
  • Reining & Scouting - You have the troops but are unsure how to attack, you still can help by sending reins to others who are attacking or send out scouts to see who others can attack.  We do have someone who has been playing this game for sometime who will help you use the bot for scouting misted cities and sending reins to help the attackers.
  • Attackers - Enjoy the one on one combat of the game, willing to defend the alliance, and help out when others are being attacked.  Reining and Scouting is important for the attackers, in that it saves them time, and it is good to know that there are back up troops ready if they need some.  We would encourage attackers that once you have your dragon, to help others reach theirs by allowing them to put reigns in your city while being attack so they get use to how attacks work and also gain some glory experience.
  • Glory Hunting and Sharing - People who not only seek glory for themselves but willing to help others get glory by including them in on their fights.  They will weekly track the glory of the alliance and actively try to raise it.
  • Teachers - People who will willingly work with people one on one explaining how to attack, rein, and scout.  They are willing to invest time with a person until that person can fly solo. This would include allowing them to jointly attack a person, send reins to the teachers city when being attack and scout for people to jointly attack.  They will also teach the person how to read reports and give advise in areas of the throne room and champion hall.

Once you have establish what area you will be participating in, please inform the communication specialist by way of a note-card of your decisions.  This will enable us to know who is doing what within our alliance. Everyone of us are needed to be an effective alliance. If you have an idea but it is not listed here, please present that idea to the Chancellor who will then present it to the officers.

Alliance Officers and Responsibilities

Round Table Chancellors - Chat in yellow, this position will be filled by a Vice Chancellor for two months, after that time the position is switch to another vice chancellor in efforts to make leadership less hectic for just one person. All vice chancellors wishing to take their turn at leadership are to inform the communications specialist who will put together a calendar of leadership months. Those participating will also be committed to completing their vice chancellor responsibilities along with the chancellors obligations for those two months. 

Chancellors are willing to spend several hours a day to oversee the flow of the group. They will make themselves available in helping others with their needs.  They will hold meetings with the other officers discussing the needs of the group.  They will also keep current with things that are happening within our alliance, so that if someone from the alliance needs to know what is happening they can ask them. 

Current Round Table Chancellor:  Stout  
  • Coordinates events with the various Vice Chancellors and Officers.
  • Will take ideas suggestions of improvement from the alliance and funnel it to the right officers

Vice Chancellors - Chat in green, these people have certain responsibilities within the alliance.  They are committing their time every day to each of their areas and will do what they can to help the alliance run smooth. 

Current Ambassador:  SherlockHomes

  • Will act as a go between to other alliances.
  • Will bring back and inform the officers any on going disputes between alliances
  • Will propose settlements after conferring with the chancellor, officers, an any party having conflict with said alliance.
  • Will help in resolving in-house conflicts.
  • Will do independent background checks on people wishing to join the alliance.

Current Communications Specialist (Adviser):  Waterlily
  • Monthly News Letter
  • Blog
  • Facebook page updates
  • Will gather information from various sectors concerning our alliances and inform everyone of information they need to know.
  • Will do independent background checks on people wishing to join the alliance.

Current Gaming Logistics Specialist:  Xanfora and Chen Stormstout
  • Has updated information concerning all the bots of the game and browsers.
  • Will informed the alliance of new stuff that is coming out with kabam.
  • Will research problems that may happen with your account in the game.
  • Will do background checks on people wishing to join the alliance.

Current Military Advisers (Marshals):  Mouser and Legnar
  • Will make the decision to setting an Alliance to hostile and inform the other officers the reason why.
  • Will protect the group and be in charge of on going battles that ensue.
  • Will make arrangements to pair up teachers with people who want to learn.
  • Will do independent background checks on people wishing to join the alliance

Current Recruitment & In House Adviser:  Stout
  • Will be looking for various people to join our group, will then present the name to the admission committee.
  • Helps solve in house issues between players.
  • Will help players to find the area best suited for their game play.
  • Will do back ground checks on people wishing to join the alliance.
  • Will keep the communication specialist informed of players activity choice.

Specialty Officers - Chat is in gray.  These officers are very good at what they are doing and willing to take the time to help you learn more about the game.  Please utilize them to help you understand things more.  If you do not see them on, drop them a card with any question they can help in their area.

Current Might Growing & Defending:  Twitch88, JENSEN1
Current Playing Without A Bot:  Maverick935
Current Playing and Setting Up A Bot:  Micheal067, Baxter, Damacus
Current Reining and Scouting:  AlexTheBard
Current Attackers:  Shelley, VVarlord, Mouser
Current Ascension City Protection:  Khaleesie
Current Throne Room Adviser:  Michael067, Baxter

NOTE:  All positions are subject to change if the person doing the position is unable to keep up with their obligations to the group.  At that time the officers will be open for suggestions on who should take that position and a vote of majority rule will determine the person to replace the position.  We do not believe in a dictatorship style of game play.  This is your group and your voice counts.

Admissions Committee:

All people wishing to join our group will go through a background check.  If the person is a friend of a member within the alliance, that member will join the admission committee when it assembles to discuss membership.  It will be a majority rule decision.

  • Chancellor
  • Ambassador
  • At Least One Person From Military Advisers
  • Communications Specialist
  • Gaming Logistics Specialist
  • Two Members From The Alliance

That person will then be let into the alliance on a two week probationary period, in which at that time they will be expected to engage in the ways of the alliance.  If they are unwilling or do not try to participate with no good excuse as to why, they will be booted from the group.

It is impossible to keep out all spies and other potentially harmful game players.  But we will do our best to not bring in people who will disrupt our way of playing.  

Membership Participation:

Members written in blue are members already committed to the new Alliance.

Xanfora: Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Glory Hunting / Sharing
Chen Stormstout: Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Glory Hunting / Sharing
Waterlily: Reining, Scouting, and Attacking
Khaleesie:  Storehouse Protection and Reining
SherlockHolmes: Reining, Scouting, and Attacking
Stout:  Reining, Scouting, and Attacking
Mouser: Storehouse, Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Teaching
Legnar:  Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Teaching
Maverick935:  Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
AlexTheBard:  Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
Twitch88:  Reining, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
JENSEN1:  Reining, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
OutOfTheWay:  Reining, Scouting, and Attacking 
Damacus:  SpecialtyTeaching
Avante:  Reining and Scouting
Mike The Mighty:
Micheal067:  Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
Baxter:  Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
Garilore: Scouting and Reining
Moonshine:  Reining and Scouting
Angry_Bastard:  Reining, Scouting, and Attacking

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