Monday, November 10, 2014

Building Cities 2 - 8 Part 2

Picking a plains for your new city is very important.  You will want to pick one that has various barbarian camps around it. Looking for places that have level 1, 4, and 7 barbarian camps nearby are great to begin with, if there are no plains or camps close to your first city you might want to port your first city to a new place before establishing other cities.  In a later article we will talk about what is needed to take various barbarian camps.

To take a level 1 wilderness otherwise known as wilds, you will need to have available 50 Archers and 1 Attacking Knight with your alchemy Fletching research done to level one.  We will talk more about what you will need for other wild levels in another article.

Once you have your troops, go to your map find a level one plain, they will look just flat. You cannot build a city on grass, water, mountains, woods, hills or bogs.  Just click on the plain and pick attack, at that point you put in the troops and the knight and hit attack.

Once the attack is finished you will see that there is a little emblem representing that you own that plain.  You might need to refresh in order to see it.  Click on the plain again and it will ask if you want to build a new castle, click on that tab and you will then be asked for a name for the city.  Once you have chosen the name click finish and it will open up the new city for you.  With the exception of the last three cities all other beginning cities look about the same.

Now go back to your first city and recall the troops that you left on your wild from the city that attacked it. Again you might not be able to see that they have returned until you refresh your game.

NEVER take another players wilds unless it meets the rules of the alliance.  If you do make a mistake, immediately notify the person by note card that you are sorry, and let the officers know what happen.  Include the name of the person the wild belongs to, the cords, and if the person is in an alliance.

These cities will go a bit different from the first one in that you can transfer the needed supply troops and archers from the first one to establish  raids for the remaining cities.  For a level one barbarian camp you will need 50 Supply Troops, 50 Archers, and 1 Raiding Knight for each raid you send out to a Level 1 Barbarian Camp.  Thus for six raids you will need a total of 300 Supply Troops, 300 Archers, and 6 Raiding Knights.

 DO NOT short change your first city raids, you just build more archers and supply troops to send to the second city.

Make sure your rally point is built as high as you can go at least level 9, and your knights hall.  As soon as the transfer the troops is complete, put them to work immediately by raiding. If you do not send the troops to raid immediately they will leave. You will notice that the food amount in your city will go red, and it will tell you that they will run out of food. Once that amount of food is gone the troops abandon the city.  So it is very important that you get them raiding for you will not be able to support them for a long period of time.

If there is anyone from the alliance on, ask for a care package of resources to tie you over till the raiding can bring in enough food and other resources.  Your resources will begin to build quickly.

Remember that you can assign as many raids as your rally point is high and to the same barbarian camp, generally the one that is the closest. Sometimes you may have to go a bit further for the smaller camps but still having the raids bringing in resources is better then having nothing coming in.

Once you get the raid going, put out the normal level one buildings, do not forget to put out your farms and storehouse, then let the raids run go over night by the time you come in the next day your resources will already have grown.  This way of building then becomes a rinse and repeat for all the remaining cities.

REMEMBER:  Never short change one cities raids for another.  Establish 5-6 raids to begin with.  All the extra troops can be transferred to other cities to get 5-6 raids running there.  This, I promise you, will take care of all your resource needs, and allow you to build quickly.

While you are building you can collect wilds for your castle, according to the level of your castle it will determine how many wilds you may have.  Each wild gives your resources a various buff according to type and level, which helps in your over all production of that resource.  To see your wilds click on your castle they will be listed there.  Before you ascend you will want to have the highest buff you can and as many as the castle holds, because  the castle will go back to level one.

You also will want to build your Guardian and Wall Defense as high as they can go, these builds will transfer to the same level after you ascend that city.  You will have to rebuild the wall but the defenses will remain.  All other buildings will drop back down to zero except for the ones mention in the previous article that will turn automatically to level 12.

To get the cities ready for ascending you need just to continue to build till the green bar at the bottom is from one end to the other, once it is there you will be able to ascend that city. You will then pick a city type I recommend Briton for your first city because there is a second alchemy lab that you will want to get researching on as soon as possible, plus some building benefits.

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