The following is a list of what you will encounter, how much resources you will recieve and what it will take to defeat the camp with no buffs added.
Barbarian Camp 1
Encamped Troops: 500 Supply Troops (ST), 500 Militiamen (MM)
Resources: Gold 1k ; Food 100k ; Wood 10k ; Stone 1k ; Ore 100
Your Troops: 500 Archers, 500 Supply Troops (one wave)
Research Needed: Level 1 Fletching
Barbarian Camp 2
Encamped Troops: 1k ST; 1k MM; 500 Scouts (SC); 500 Pikemen (PK)
Resources: Gold 2k ; Food 200k ; Wood 20k ; Stone 2k ; Ore 200
Your Troops: 1200 Archers, 750 Supply Troops
Research Needed: Level 2 Fletching
Barbarian Camp 3
Encamped Troops: 2k STs; 2k MM; 1k SC; 1k PK; 500 Swordsmen (SW)
Resources: Gold 3k ; Food 300k ; Wood 30k ; Stone 3k ; Ore 300
Your Troops: 3600 Archers, 1000 Supply Troops
Research Needed: Level 3 Fletching
Barbarian Camp 4
Encamped Troops: 5k ST; 5k MM; 2k SC; 2k PK; 1k SW; 500 Archers (AR)
Resources: Gold 4k ; Food 400k ; Wood 40k ; Stone 4k ; Ore 400
Your Troops: 7500 Archers, 1000 Supply Troops
Research Needed: Level 4 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 5
Encamped Troops: 10k ST; 10k MM; 5k SC; 5k PK; 2k SW; 1k AR; 500 Cavalry (CAV)
Resources: Gold 5k ; Food 500k ; Wood 50k ; Stone 5k ; Ore 500
Your Troops: 15,000 Archers
Research Needed: Level 5 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 6
Encamped Troops: 15k ST, 15k MM, 10k SC; 10k PK; 5k SW; 2k AR; 1k CAV
Resources: Gold 6k ; Food 600k ; Wood 60k ; Stone 6k ; Ore 600
Your Troops: 27,000 Archers
Research Needed: Level 6 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 7
Encamped Troops: 30k ST; 30k MM; 15k SC; 15k PK; 10k SW; 5k AR; 2k CAV; 500 Heavy Cavalry (HC)
Resources: Gold 7k ; Food 700k ; Wood 70k ; Stone 7k ; Ore 700
Your Troops: 45,000 Archers
Research Needed: Level 7 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 8
Encamped Troops: 60k - ST, MM, 30K - SC, PK; 15 SW; 10k AR; 5k CAV; 1k HC; 500 BALLISTA (BAL)
Resources: Gold 8k ; Food 800k ; Wood 80k ; Stone 8k ; Ore 800
Your Troops: N/A
Research Needed: Level 8 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 9
Encamped Troops: 120k - ST, MM; 60k - SC, PK; 30k SW; 15k AR; 10K Cav; 2k HC; 1k BAL; 500 Battering Rams (BR)
Resources: Gold 9k ; Food 900k ; Wood 90k ; Stone 9k ; Ore 900
Your Troops: 54,000 Ballistas
Research Needed: Level 9 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 10
Encamped Troops: 250k - ST, MM; 120k - SC, PK; 60k SW; 30k AR; 15k CAV; 4k HC; 2k BAL; 1k RR; 500 Catapults (CAT)
Resources: Gold 10k ; Food 1M ; Wood 100k ; Stone 10k ; Ore 1k
Your Troops: 110,000 Catapults
Research Needed: Level 9 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion
Barbarian Camp 11
Encamped Troops: N/A
Resources: Gold 11k ; Food 1.1 M ; Wood 110k ; Stone 11k ; Ore 1.1k
Your Troops: N/A
Research Needed: Both Labs Research Maxed
Barbarian Camp 12
Encamped Troops: 30k - ST, MM, SC, PK, SW, AR, CAV, HC, BAL, BR; 15k - CAT, BT, EX; 7.2k - FA, HUS, HAL
Resources: Gold 12k ; Food 1.2 M ; Wood 120k ; Stone 12k ; Ore 1.2k
Your Troops: 21,600,000 Heavy Onager
Research Needed: Both Labs Research Maxed
Barbarian Camp 13
Encamped Troops: N/A
Resources: Gold 13k ; Food 1.3 M ; Wood 130k ; Stone 13k ; Ore 1.3k
Your Troops: N/A
Research Needed: Both Labs Research Maxed
Barbarian Camp 14
Encamped Troops: N/A
Resources: Gold 14k ; Food 1.4 M ; Wood 140k ; Stone 14k ; Ore 1.4k
Your Troops: N/A
Research Needed: Both Labs Research Maxed
Barbarian Camp 15
Encamped Troops: 56,500,000 - ST, MM; 43,240,000 - SC, PK; 37,120,00 - SW; 34,060,000 - AR; 32,530,000 - CAV; 31,408,000 - HC; 31,204,000 - BAL; 31,102,000 - BR; 31,051,000 - CAT; 31,000,000 - BT, EX; 15,500,000 - FA, HUS, HAL
Resources: Gold 15k ; Food 1.5 M ; Wood 150k ; Stone 15k ; Ore 1.5k
Your Troops: 36,720,000 Catapults
22,320,000 Heavy Onager
Research Needed: Both Labs Research Maxed
NOTE: It is very important to get all your alchemy research done as high as possible.
As you can there is a lot of missing information for the higher raids. I would venture a guess that either people do not need to raid this high, or the troops that one has to use to attack them cost too much to use on raiding the camps. If you venture to attack one and you have succeed without any losses please contact me and I will add them to the stats already written here.
Levels get progressively harder, with each additional level you will be combating an additional type of troop. This then requires you to change your attacking troops, much like fighting dark forests.
On a whole I stayed at a level 7 for a long time. By adding additional buffs such as: "bonuses food from raids" - [Robin Courageous] to your throne room, you will yield more food brought back from each raid you send out. From a level 7 I went straight to a level 9 raid by-passing level 8 for no real reason except that the 9 was closer. Distance to the raid matters a lot, as you will see later.
There are two ways to attack a level 9. The first way which is the one listed, is using 54k Ballistas, this will run all the time regardless what is in your throne rooms, allowing you to change the presets through out the battles with no issues. If you don't have enough Ballistas you can raid them a second way.
The Second way of raiding them is the use of 75k Archers with 10k Ballistas. Should you choice this method you will need to include range within your throne room sets. Each set will need to contain some range at about 185%, generally one card will do that for you. If you do not include range to the preset, the raid will go out and come back with en-sufficient troops. Cards like the Huntress, Siege Master, Savage Wolf should be able to help, until you build your ballistas and switch it all over.
NOTE: Stop all your raids, then run only one raid with each different throne room presets containing the range, to make sure that it is working, before you start all the others.
Setting Up Your Raids
To set your raids it is very easy. Look on the map for a barbarian camp you want to raid. Click on it you will be given 4 options: Attack, Scout, Raid, Bookmark. If you are intending to raid pick the raid button it will then pull up the March Troops page from your castle.
You will note that there is a check mark on the left side indicating that this is a barbarian raid. Depending on the level of camp you are raiding you put in the supply troops (if needed) and archers.
You will then assign a knight. Hopefully you have made some knights only for raiding with only 51 combat points. Assign that knight to this raid. You will also see that the March To Position is already filled in you will not need to change that.
The page will also set the amount of time it will take to raid that particular camp, this is important to know, for ideally you would want to raid something as close to your castle as possible.
The final button is "Raid and Save". When you click that the raid will begin and go for the next 24 hours. If you check your Troop Activity tab you will see that the raid is going. It will give you the time it will take to go, along with the cords of the camp and the amount of troops sent.
The following day you will need to just refresh your raids. This is done by clicking on your Rally Point, clicking on the tab Barbarian Raids, then click the "Restart Raid Timer". This will allow your raids to continue for the next 24 hours. If you are running a bot you will still need to log in and allow the bot to reset the raids, make sure through your Bot that you have the raids turned on.
NOTE: Due to lag, if you are running bots, make sure that they have reset before moving to another task on a different server.
On this tab you will also be able to change things with your raiding. If you do not want the reports from the raid you need to click on options, then put a check mark on Automatically Delete All Barbarian Raid Reports, this way it will delete them for you.
It is also advisable to put a mark in "If Troops were lost during a Barbarian Raid, Stop raiding when remaining troops levels are less then" put in 100%. This will then inform you if something is glitching for you and not keep draining your troops.
I would advice you to at the very least run 6 raids at all times on ascended cities I will run even more, for they give you and extra 3 waves to run. However, you will want to keep some of the rally open to send out waves for cresting and finding wilderness.
Time Amount For Raiding:
This is a math game at times, bigger sometimes does not mean better, if sending your troops to a higher camp takes longer then sending one next door you may actually be loosing out of resources.
The way Kabam addresses time is different for each place you pick to attack to hit something right next to you it will take: 1 Minute 30 Seconds to Hit, and 1 Minute 30 Seconds to Return. However, to hit something even 5 spaces away it will take the same amount of time. So make sure you note the time when changing things around.
So lets do some math quickly:
- Barbarian Camp 1 X Round Trip 3 Minutes = Supplies - Gold 1k ; Food 100k ; Wood 10k ; Stone 1k ; Ore 100
- Barbarian Camp 1 X 24 Hours (1,440 Minutes divided by 3 Minutes = 480 Trips per 24 hours) = Supplies - Gold 480,000 ; Food 48,000,000 ; Wood 4,800,000 ; Stone 480,000 ; Ore 480
- Barbarian Camp 7 X 24 Hours (1,440 Minutes divided by 3 Minutes = 480 Trips per 24 hours) = Supplies - Gold 3,360,000; Food 336,000,000; Wood 33,600,00 ; Stone 3,000,000; Ore 3,360
The amount of time it takes to go raid and come back from a raid camp, will either help or hinder the looting. For example a level 7 raiding only three minutes away vs a level 9 raiding only five minutes away. Within a 15 minute time period the level 7 will bring in more resource then the level 9, for it will go out five times to the the level 9's three times. The difference being 7 will bring back 35,000 gold (etc.) and 9 will only bring back 27,000 in gold (etc.) for the same length of time. Bigger in this case is not always better. Do the math.
As you can see it is very important for you to get your raids running for it will help you with all your resources. If you are having problems with your raids please talk with one of the officers and they will help you.
The other things that can help with your resources is obtaining wilds. Depending on the wild it will give you a resource buff. You may only have the amount of wilds that your castle is so for a level 9 castle you may have 9 wilds. Make sure that the wild is not owned by someone else, this is simply done by hovering your mouse over the wild, if own it will provide the name of the owner.
Wilds buffs depend on their size, the type of resource will depend on the type of wild. If you need information about this please let me know and I will send you the information. Throne room cards also have resource buffs with them so looking for these cards can help if you have a resource issue
I promise you if you build enough archers to send out 6 raids to a barbarian camp you will not have a resource issue at all, except maybe gaining too much. Especially if you ascend your city at least once for that then will make your ore production go up even higher, since that is the one you don't get much of.
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