Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Raiding Barbarian Camps

Through-out the kingdom you will see barbarian camps ranging in levels from 1 - 15.  Due to the constant need for resources Kabam has made this very easy to obtain them by raiding a barbarian camp, you can do this with as many raids as you want to one camp.  The amount of troops you are attacking, the amount of troops you will need, and the resources you will bring back will always remain the same, unless it is effected by throne room buffs. 

The following is a list of what you will encounter, how much resources you will recieve and what it will take to defeat the camp with no buffs added.

Barbarian Camp 1
Encamped Troops:  500 Supply Troops (ST), 500 Militiamen (MM)
Resources:  Gold 1k ; Food 100k ; Wood 10k ; Stone 1k ; Ore 100
Your Troops:  500 Archers, 500 Supply Troops (one wave)
Research Needed:  Level 1 Fletching

Barbarian Camp 2
Encamped Troops: 1k ST;  1k MM;  500 Scouts (SC); 500 Pikemen (PK)
Resources:  Gold 2k ; Food 200k ; Wood 20k ; Stone 2k ; Ore 200
Your Troops: 1200 Archers, 750 Supply Troops
Research Needed:  Level 2 Fletching

Barbarian Camp 3
Encamped Troops:  2k STs;  2k MM;  1k SC;  1k PK;  500 Swordsmen (SW)
Resources:  Gold 3k ; Food 300k ; Wood 30k ; Stone 3k ; Ore 300
Your Troops: 3600 Archers, 1000 Supply Troops
Research Needed:  Level 3 Fletching

Barbarian Camp 4
Encamped Troops:  5k ST;  5k MM;  2k SC;  2k PK;  1k SW;  500 Archers (AR)
Resources:  Gold 4k ; Food 400k ; Wood 40k ; Stone 4k ; Ore 400
Your Troops: 7500 Archers, 1000 Supply Troops
Research Needed:  Level 4 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 5
Encamped Troops:  10k ST;  10k MM;  5k SC;  5k PK;  2k SW; 1k AR;  500 Cavalry (CAV)
Resources:  Gold 5k ; Food 500k ; Wood 50k ; Stone 5k ; Ore 500
Your Troops:  15,000 Archers
Research Needed:  Level 5 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 6
Encamped Troops:  15k ST, 15k MM, 10k SC; 10k PK;  5k SW;  2k AR;  1k CAV
Resources:  Gold 6k ; Food 600k ; Wood 60k ; Stone 6k ; Ore 600
Your Troops:  27,000 Archers
Research Needed:  Level 6 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 7
Encamped Troops:  30k ST;  30k MM;  15k SC;  15k PK;  10k SW;  5k AR;  2k CAV; 500 Heavy Cavalry (HC)
Resources:  Gold 7k ; Food 700k ; Wood 70k ; Stone 7k ; Ore 700
Your Troops:  45,000 Archers
Research Needed:   Level 7 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 8
Encamped Troops: 60k - ST, MM, 30K - SC, PK;  15 SW;  10k AR; 5k CAV;  1k HC;  500 BALLISTA (BAL)
Resources:  Gold 8k ; Food 800k ; Wood 80k ; Stone 8k ; Ore 800
Your Troops: N/A 
Research Needed:  Level 8 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 9
Encamped Troops: 120k - ST, MM;  60k - SC, PK;  30k SW;  15k AR;  10K Cav;  2k HC; 1k BAL;  500 Battering Rams (BR)
Resources: Gold 9k ; Food 900k ; Wood 90k ; Stone 9k ; Ore 900
Your Troops:  54,000 Ballistas
Research Needed:  Level 9 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 10
Encamped Troops: 250k - ST, MM; 120k - SC, PK;  60k SW;  30k AR; 15k CAV; 4k HC;  2k BAL;  1k RR;  500 Catapults (CAT)
Resources:  Gold 10k ; Food 1M ; Wood 100k ; Stone 10k ; Ore 1k
Your Troops: 110,000 Catapults
Research Needed:  Level 9 Fletching, Poisoned Edge, Metal Alloys, Healing Potion

Barbarian Camp 11
Encamped Troops:  N/A
Resources:  Gold 11k ; Food 1.1 M ; Wood 110k ; Stone 11k ; Ore 1.1k
Your Troops:  N/A
Research Needed:  Both Labs Research Maxed 

Barbarian Camp 12
Encamped Troops: 30k - ST, MM, SC, PK, SW, AR, CAV, HC, BAL, BR;  15k - CAT, BT, EX;  7.2k - FA, HUS, HAL
Resources:  Gold 12k ; Food 1.2 M ; Wood 120k ; Stone 12k ; Ore 1.2k
Your Troops:  21,600,000  Heavy Onager
Research Needed:  Both Labs Research Maxed 

Barbarian Camp 13
Encamped Troops:  N/A
Resources:  Gold 13k ; Food 1.3 M ; Wood 130k ; Stone 13k ; Ore 1.3k
Your Troops:  N/A 
Research Needed:  Both Labs Research Maxed

Barbarian Camp 14
Encamped Troops:  N/A
Resources:  Gold 14k ; Food 1.4 M ; Wood 140k ; Stone 14k ; Ore 1.4k
Your Troops:  N/A  
Research Needed:  Both Labs Research Maxed 

Barbarian Camp 15 

Encamped Troops: 56,500,000 - ST, MM;  43,240,000 - SC, PK;  37,120,00 - SW; 34,060,000 - AR;  32,530,000 - CAV;  31,408,000 - HC;  31,204,000 - BAL;  31,102,000 - BR;  31,051,000 - CAT;  31,000,000 - BT, EX;  15,500,000 - FA, HUS, HAL
Resources:  Gold 15k ; Food 1.5 M ; Wood 150k ; Stone 15k ; Ore 1.5k
Your Troops:  36,720,000 Catapults
                       22,320,000 Heavy Onager
Research Needed:  Both Labs Research Maxed 

NOTE:  It is very important to get all your alchemy research done as high as possible.

As you can there is a lot of missing information for the higher raids.  I would venture a guess that either people do not need to raid this high, or the troops that one has to use to attack them cost too much to use on raiding the camps.  If you venture to attack one and you have succeed without any losses please contact me and I will add them to the stats already written here.

Levels get progressively harder, with each additional level you will be combating an additional type of troop.  This then requires you to change your attacking troops, much like fighting dark forests.

On a whole I stayed at a level 7 for a long time.  By adding additional buffs such as: "bonuses food from raids" - [Robin Courageous] to your throne room,  you will yield more food brought back from each raid you send out.  From a level 7 I went straight to a level 9 raid by-passing level 8 for no real reason except that the 9 was closer.  Distance to the raid matters a lot, as you will see later.

There are two ways to attack a level 9.  The first way which is the one listed, is using 54k Ballistas, this will run all the time regardless what is in your throne rooms, allowing you to change the presets through out the battles with no issues.  If you don't have enough Ballistas you can raid them a second way.   

The Second way of raiding them is the use of 75k Archers with 10k Ballistas.  Should you choice this method you will need to include range within your throne room sets.  Each set will need to contain some range at about 185%, generally one card will do that for you.  If you do not include range to the preset,  the raid will go out and come back with en-sufficient troops.  Cards like the Huntress, Siege Master, Savage Wolf should be able to help, until you build your ballistas and switch it all over.

NOTE:  Stop all your raids, then run only one raid with each different throne room presets containing the range, to make sure that it is working, before you start all the others.

Setting Up Your Raids

To set your raids it is very easy.  Look on the map for a barbarian camp you want to raid. Click on it you will be given 4 options:  Attack, Scout, Raid, Bookmark.   If you are intending to raid pick the raid button it will then pull up the March Troops page from your castle.

You will note that there is a check mark on the left side indicating that this is a barbarian raid. Depending on the level of camp you are raiding you put in the supply troops (if needed) and archers.

You will then assign a knight.  Hopefully you have made some knights only for raiding with only 51 combat points.  Assign that knight to this raid.  You will also see that the March To Position is already filled in you will not need to change that.

The page will also set the amount of time it will take to raid that particular camp, this is important to know, for ideally you would want to raid something as close to your castle as possible.

The final button is "Raid and Save".  When you click that the raid will begin and go for the next 24 hours.  If you check your Troop Activity tab you will see that the raid is going.  It will give you the time it will take to go, along with the cords of the camp and the amount of troops sent.

The following day you will need to just refresh your raids.  This is done by clicking on your Rally Point, clicking on the tab Barbarian Raids, then click the "Restart Raid Timer".  This will allow your raids to continue for the next 24 hours.  If you are running a bot you will still need to log in and allow the bot to reset the raids, make sure through your Bot that you have the raids turned on.

NOTE:  Due to lag, if you are running bots, make sure that they have reset before moving to another task on a different server.

On this tab you will also be able to change things with your raiding.  If you do not want the reports from the raid you need to click on options, then put a check mark on Automatically Delete All Barbarian Raid Reports, this way it will delete them for you.

It is also advisable to put a mark in "If Troops were lost during a Barbarian Raid, Stop raiding when remaining troops levels are less then"  put in 100%.  This will then inform you if something is glitching for you and not keep draining your troops.

I would advice you to at the very least run 6 raids at all times on ascended cities I will run even more, for they give you and extra 3 waves to run.  However, you will want to keep some of the rally open to send out waves for cresting and finding wilderness.

Time Amount For Raiding:

This is a math game at times, bigger sometimes does not mean better, if sending your troops to a higher camp takes longer then sending one next door you may actually be loosing out of resources.

The way Kabam addresses time is different for each place you pick to attack to hit something right next to you it will take:  1 Minute 30 Seconds to Hit, and 1 Minute 30 Seconds to Return.  However, to hit something even 5 spaces away it will take the same amount of time.  So make sure you note the time when changing things around.

So lets do some math quickly:

  • Barbarian Camp 1 X Round Trip 3 Minutes = Supplies - Gold 1k ; Food 100k ; Wood 10k ; Stone 1k ; Ore 100
  • Barbarian Camp 1 X 24 Hours (1,440 Minutes divided by 3 Minutes = 480 Trips per 24 hours) = Supplies - Gold 480,000 ; Food 48,000,000 ; Wood 4,800,000 ; Stone 480,000 ; Ore 480
  • Barbarian Camp 7 X 24 Hours (1,440 Minutes divided by 3 Minutes = 480 Trips per 24 hours) = Supplies - Gold 3,360,000;  Food  336,000,000; Wood 33,600,00 ; Stone 3,000,000; Ore 3,360

The amount of time it takes to go raid and come back from a raid camp, will either help or hinder the looting.   For example a level 7 raiding only three minutes away  vs a level 9 raiding only five minutes away.  Within a 15 minute time period the level 7 will bring in more resource then the level 9, for it will go out five times to the the level 9's three times.  The difference being  7 will bring back 35,000 gold (etc.) and 9 will only bring back 27,000 in gold (etc.) for the same length of time.  Bigger in this case is not always better.  Do the math.

As you can see it is very important for you to get your raids running for it will help you with all your resources.  If you are having problems with your raids please talk with one of the officers and they will help you.

The other things that can help with your resources is obtaining wilds. Depending on the wild it will give you a resource buff.  You may only have the amount of wilds that your castle is so for a level 9 castle you may have 9 wilds.  Make sure that the wild is not owned by someone else, this is simply done by hovering your mouse over the wild, if own it will provide the name of the owner.

Wilds buffs depend on their size, the type of resource will depend on the type of wild.  If you need information about this please let me know and I will send you the information.  Throne room cards also have resource buffs with them so looking for these cards can help if you have a resource issue
I promise you if you build enough archers to send out 6 raids to a barbarian camp you will not have a resource issue at all, except maybe gaining too much.  Especially if you ascend your city at least once for that then will make your ore production go up even higher, since that is the one you don't get much of.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Troop Information

The following information is to help you understand troop training, and what troops do best against another troop in combat based on their accuracy, this will not include the buffs that can be given from the throne room.


The speed of training is determined at the time you add troops to the queue and depends on a number of factors that will vary from player to player:

 Example: 2 Barracks x level 1 = will train 100 supply troops in 1/2 the time that it takes a city with only 1 Barrack level 1.

Simply put the more Barracks the faster the training, the more cottages the more you can train, the higher the buff the quicker the training.

I usually set up at least 13 Barracks per city, and that may very depending on what buildings you may not want to build.  As mentioned before the Spire and Alchemy Labs are not necessarily needed in every city.

The following are factors that help with the training of your troops:

  • Quantity of Barracks - the more you have the faster they will train.
  • Barracks Level - each level above 1 increases the training speed by 10%.
  • Research Level - in Geometry increases the training speed of siege engines by 10% per level.
  • Stable Level -  increases the training speed of horsed units by 10%.
  • Workshop Level - increases the training speed of wagons and siege engines by 10% per level.
  • Marshall Combat Level -  increases the training speed of all troops.
  • Cottages Level - Provide the amount of troops you can train at any given time.
  • Throne Room Buffs - can speed up your training time.
  • Stone Guardian - helps with training.

The table below gives you the base training time for each unit, which is the time they would require for training in a single, level 1 Barracks with no other modifiers, and is based on ratio numbers seconds per might:

Supply Troop = 50
Militia = 25
Scout = 50
Pikeman = 75
Swordsman = 75
Archer = 87.5
Cavalry = 100
Heavy Cavalry = 214
Supply Wagon =167
Ballista = 333
Battering rams= 500
Catapults = 600

The ascended cities have the new troops that can be trained, the following are troops can only be done in an ascended city.  The example includes a  training speed buff of 198%:

Ascended 4 times - 2 Briton Barracks Level 1 - 1 Siege Walls = 7 minutes 38 seconds 
Ascended 1 time - 2 Druid Barracks Level 9 - Bloodthorn = 3 minutes 56 seconds
Ascended 1 time - 2 Fey Barracks Level 9 - Executioner = 4 minutes 42 seconds

Here you can see that militiamen takes 25 seconds to gain 1 might, while scouts use 50 seconds per might. These 2 troops gain the might the fastest.  If you are looking to build simple might these are what you would want to build.  

Might builders usually put 1k militiamen after every queue to gain might faster.  But think about that before you decide to do that.  We've talked about a house of cards with just building might.  Building might and with militiamen will leave you with very little to attack or defend with.

Cancelling Training

If you cancel a queued unit training assignment you get back 50% of the resources the unit had cost, as well as 50% of the population initially consumed in the queue.

Throne Room Enhancements:

One of the most important Throne Room enhancements to the game is Troop Training Speed (TTS).  This attribute reduces the time it takes to train troops, and the maximum amount of TTS allowed is 4000%.  Each 100% cuts the time it takes to training time of a troop in half.  So if training 10000 archers takes 60 minutes here is how long it would take with TTS added to the TR.

  • 100% – 30 minutes
  • 200% – 15 minutes
  • 300% – 7.5 minutes
  • 400% – 3.75 minutes

The down side to TTS is the massive amount of resources and population that is required to keep up with the training the troops so fast.  This is the exact problem that many who bot end up having.  Thus unable to support their troops.

Troop Stats

Every troop type in KoC has stats assigned to them. They can be viewed when you go into your barracks and click on them to train them.  All of your Offensive troops (the ones trained in the Barracks) will have these same set of stats listed, just with different values based on the troop you are looking at.

There are eight stats listed:

1.  Attack  -   this stat simply refers to the amount of damage your troop does when it attacks. 

2.  Defense  - this is your troops’ ability to absorb damage they receive while being attacked. 

3.  Life  -  It is the total amount of damage your troop can receive before they are considered dead.

4.  Upkeep  -   is how much food your troop will consume in 1 hour.

  • NOTE:  Defensive troops, such as Traps, Caltrops, Spiked Barriers etc., do not have an Upkeep, Load or Type stat, instead they have a  "Space Stat"  denoting how many spaces it occupies on your walls.

5.  Speed  -  this number refers to is how fast your troops move. Each troop has a set number of spaces they are allowed to move.

6.  Range  -  means how far away your troop can be from an enemy and still be able to attack. 

7.  Load  -  this is how many resources that specific troop can carry.

8.  Type  -  this is the classification that your troop falls under. There are five troop classifications in Kingdoms of Camelot, some of these troops are unable to be built and are referred to as Money Troops (MT).

  • INFANTRY = Supply Troops, Militiamen, Scouts, Pikemen, Swordsmen, Bloodthorn, Executioners, Halberdier (MT), Saboteur. 
  • RANGED = Archers, Flaming Archers (Need Pristine Yew Branch's To Build). 
  • HORSED = Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Hussars (MT).
  • SIEGE = Supply Wagons, Ballista, Battering Rams, Catapults, and Siege Walls, Heavy Onager (MT).
  • MAGIC = Shield Sorcerer, Soul Stealer (MT), Plague Doctor(MT), Toxi Conjurer.

9.  Accuracy - There is actually a 9th hidden stat that all troops have however it is not listed in the training tool tip, and that is accuracy.  Accuracy is what is known as a “Troop Multiplier” and influences the effectiveness of your troops in battle. Every type of troop has a specific multiplier against every other troop type, the values range from 0.1 to 1.9 (without Throne Room influence).

How does a "troop modifier" work?   When the game is calculating damage caused by your troops to another, it doesn't necessarily base it on the actual number of troops you sent, instead, it applies the Accuracy to your troops and calculates damage from that number instead.

Example:  Archers have an accuracy of 0.8 against Cavalry, if you send 100K Archers against Cavalry, due to accuracy alone, it will be like only sending 80K Archers (100k*0.8) are hitting Cavalry in 1 round.

Below is a table with all the accuracy stats for each troop going up against another troop that you would need to factor in when sending a wave to attack another castle.
NOTE: This is also why it is vital to SCOUT the person you are attacking.

The column on the right would be the attacking troop. The column along the top would be the type of troop it would be attacking. Unfortunately as of yet we do not have all the data for all the troops.


  1. SUPPLY TROOP - (infantry) - Supply Troops are not very good at fighting, but can carry resources to your other cities or friends, or carry loot back when you plunder enemy cities.
  2. MILITIAMEN (infantry) - are citizens of your city who have some military training. They are a good beginning for your army but no match for troops with true training.
  3. SCOUTS (infantry) - move quickly, and bring back information about enemy positions and numbers but are not strong fighters. See Using Scouts and Eagle Eyes.
  4. PIKEMEN (infantry) - are the most basic heavily trained troops. Their long pikes are very effective against horses.  
  5. SWORDSMEN (infantry) -  are well armored, and are the strongest melee troops. Their shields make them effective against Archers. 
  6. ARCHERS (ranged) -  can destroy the enemy's troops from a distance but are vulnerable up close.
  7. CAVALRY (horse) -   move very quickly on horseback and have devastating attacks.
  8. HEAVY CAVALRY (horse) -  are far more armored than regular Cavalry. This armor provides them defense and more power to their attacks but costs them some speed.
  9. SUPPLY WAGONS  -  are heavily fortified to carry anything you need through a raging battle and not lose the cargo.
  10. BALLISTA (siege) -  fire huge arrow-like bolts at long ranges. They are effective against other siege weapons.
  11. BATTERING RAMS (siege)  -  are large log-like object, used for knocking down the enemy's defenses.
  12. CATAPULTS (siege)  -  throw large rocks from a huge distance. They are most effective against the enemy's defenses.
  13. Wall Mounted Crossbows -
  14. BLOODTHORN (infantry) - Born of the wilderness, the Bloodthorn unit is an elite warrior that specializes in dealing quick, deadly blows to its enemies.
  15. EXECUTIONER (infantry) - Born of Ice and Steel, the Executioner is an elite unit that specializes in overwhelming its enemies with massive force.
  16. SIEGE WALL (siege) -  guarantees advancement on the battlefield for its army.
  17. FLAME ARCHERS  (ranged) -  are extremely adept at slaying troops from a distance. Their flame-tipped arrows wreak extra damage when attack Dark Forests
  18. HUSSAR (horse) -  are agile cavalry that take greatly reduced damage from Ranged and Siege units. 
  19. HALBERDIER (infantry)- Highly disciplined anti-cavalry troops that crush through mounted opposition with ease.
  20. HEAVY ONAGER (siege) - A heavy siege troop rarely seen since Roman times.
  21. SABOTEUR - These cunning troops specialize in disabling siege weapons, but cannot fight toe-to-toe with most combat troop.
  22. SHIELD SORCERER (magic) - Shield Sorcerers use their magic to protect your units from harm. While active, the shield will absorb damage and allow your army to advance on the enemy
  23. TOXIC CONJERER (magic) - creates a caustic cloud that will damage all enemies that pass through it.
  24. SOUL STEALER (magic) - are trained in the dark arts to drain the life force from your enemies to heal themselves and reinforce the ranks of their sisterhood.
  25. PLAGUE DOCTOR (magic) - have turned their knowledge of medicine and poisons against their enemies, causing damage throughout the battle. 

The accuracy chart helps you to know what troops work best against what troops but that is only part of the equation to figure out.  The throne room and champion each have contributing factors from both sides.  

This game was not meant to be figured out over night it is by trial and error that you will begin to understand the battles.  Take the time to read the reports.  Look at what was send, what was defending, the champion used to win, and the throne room of the battles.  

By watching these reports and asking questions in the alliance you will begin to pick it up. Our Military Advisers have played this game for sometime and know a lot when it comes to battles talk with them.

Ascending and Building Your Cities Part 3

Ascending Cities

Each type of ascended cities have special troops and special features.  Below will give you and idea a what each city does.  They have said there will be a forth fraction to be added but at this time there are only three.  

  • Briton - Has the Briton Workshop that has more research for you to do that has very good benefits.  Briton cities can build Siege Walls which guarantees advancement on the battlefield for its army.
  • Fey - Fey cities have Fey Alters that you may sacrifice your troops on to give you a battle buff.  The higher the troop the better the buff the higher the Alter the longer the buff remains.  Fey cities can build Executioners which is an elite troop that specializes in overwhelming their enemies with massive force.  Fey cities are designed to handle your attacking.  
  • Druid - Druid cities heal your troops in the specialized Apothecary. Stronger troops require a higher level of Apothecary.  Druid cities can build Bloodthorns which is an elite warrior that specializes in dealing quick and deadly blows to their enemies. Druid cities are designed for reining other players the apothecary allows you to heal any injured troops quicker.

As you can see you will have decisions to make about the cities.  Once the city is establish you will not be able to change its type unless you pay with gems to do so or get a buff that allows you to do so. So when picking know that it will remain that type of city.

Before ascending make sure that all your raids have been stopped and deleted from your rally point, all building have to be completed and not building, and if you have troops cresting you will need to be stopped too.  Also, you will not be able to ascend if you are researching something in alchemy it will have to be stopped.  After this is done press the ascend button at the bottom.

You will be prompted to pick a blessing and after several screens you will see your new city. The layout of all of these cities is a bit different then the first ones.  For one the graphics are a lot nicer. You will need to establish what you will build.

Once you get to the screen of your new city you need to build the following buildings:

  1. Rally Point - take it to the level you need to restart your raids.
  2. Knight Hall - make sure to put the skill points on your role knights.
  3. Embassy - be sure to place it where you want it for once built you cannot destroy it if in an alliance.
  4. Watch Tower - alerts of incoming attacks it is important to build.
  5. Cottages - the more cottages the more population you have for the workers and troops.
  6. Barracks - the more barracks the quicker you are able to train.
  7. Alchemy Labs - As long as you have needs to research build the building, it helps shorten the length of time it takes to do all of them.  Once you have done all the research you really only need one lab in one of your cities and one of the Briton labs, the rest of your cities will have the benefits from them. So if you want to take down the alchemy lab and put up a cottage or barrack you can.
  8. Spires - This is another building is necessary for every city for it does not take long to make things in it.  Two school of thoughts, one have only one and transfer your Aetherstone to that city.  Two have one in each city and work from any.  Drawbacks, you will always be transferring your stones or working only out of one city by having only one, plus if the person that scouts you is looking of stones they will know that the stone will not be in a city with no spire.  So this again is an optional building to many of the cities but you need to have one in at least one of cities.
All other buildings from the beginning cities have been immediately made into level 12 buildings.   This also includes your farms, you will not need to build them.  Instead on the second page you will find three new builds you will have to build according to the city you have chosen.

The important thing when ascending is to establish your rally point and get your troops raiding as soon as possible.  You will not have to rebuild the troops so its a matter of building the rally point and redoing the raids.  You will have a buff of protection for three days and the troops will not desert you, HOWEVER, they will continue to eat so don't put it off.  After that start building your Walls, Castle, and Cottages.

Also on the field page you will find a building that is already built when you click on that part it will open a page entitled:  The Country Side - Briton; The Grove - Druid; The Factory - Fey.  When you open that page you will see that you have been given a number of points (45) for the first ascension (5) points for each additional ascension to be allocated to the various resources.

From here you will be able to decide how to spend your resource points.  Remember that just like the old cities your farming was tied to your cottages, so it will be here.  Your points are tied to your population so it is very important to get your cottages up before using all the points.

You need to take care in assigning these points for once you assign them you cannot change them less you pay gems to do so.  Also, they do still go along with the population you have in your city so you need to start building your cottages to assign the points.  You don't want to go into the red with population.

Loot from raids goes as follows for each round of raids  (1 trip x level of raid) etc.  We will talk about other levels on another article.

  • Level One x (One Trip) =  Gold 1,000; Food 100,000; Wood 10,000; Stone 1,000; and Ore 100
  • Level Two x (One Trip) =  Gold 2,000; Food 200,000; Wood 20,000; Stone 2,000; and Ore 200

The amount of time it takes to go raid and come back from a raid camp, will either help or hinder the looting. For example a level 7 raiding only three minutes away  vs a level 9 raiding only five minutes away.  Within a 15 minute time period the level 7 will bring in more resource then the level 9, for it will go out five times to the the level 9's three times.  The difference being  7 will bring back 35,000 gold (etc.) and 9 will only bring back 27,000 in gold (etc.) for the same length of time.  Bigger in this case is not always better.  Do the math.

From that point on just build as you would in any other city.  The more population you have the more points you can assign in your field of research.  Currently I have 5 points assign to food giving me a a base capacity of 6,110,000 that cannot be touched when attacked allowing the cushion for troops not to abandon the city.  I also assign 30 points to Ore giving me a base capacity of 36,610,000.

Ore is the most valuable resource when building troops so more of my points are there and a lot of my ore is protected.  I have not put any points on wood or stone for I let the raids bring build that up.  I also have made the decision not to spend 10 points at this time and will keep this until I see what things are like at a higher end game. Remember once you assign this points you cannot change unless you pay.

Once you are done ascending you will notice a remarkable difference in the amounts of troops you can train at one time and how fast they will train.  At this point concentrate on building your troops, especially Archers to bump up your raids striving to get them to a level 7 barbarian camp (45K Archers for Level 7 Barb).  You will want to have enough troops to be able to send at least 95,000+ troops in a wave, independent from your raids which should never stop, to battle with.

During this time we will collectively learn how to scout and attack other cities within our troop range. Because your building might will be so much higher then your actual troop might, it would be better for you to attack lower abandon cities until you grow higher in might with your troops.

There is a site that can help you know what cities around you have been abandon called Kocmon. You can enter in your Server and find out a lot of things from the map like the closest wilds, barb camps, mist cities, and check on an establish city and when the person was last on line.  

As a whole I would recommend that you stay away from people who are within a hostile alliance for we don't want you to end up in some unwanted battle.  Go for the ones no longer playing the game to get your experience of farming and cresting.  If you have problems finding a place to crest or farm, talk with one of the officers in the alliances about the cities they are using at this time.

I realize that these articles have been long.  I have tried to give you as much information as I could find to help you get your cities established and working.  Hopefully we will all have loads of fun in playing together.

Building Cities 2 - 8 Part 2

Picking a plains for your new city is very important.  You will want to pick one that has various barbarian camps around it. Looking for places that have level 1, 4, and 7 barbarian camps nearby are great to begin with, if there are no plains or camps close to your first city you might want to port your first city to a new place before establishing other cities.  In a later article we will talk about what is needed to take various barbarian camps.

To take a level 1 wilderness otherwise known as wilds, you will need to have available 50 Archers and 1 Attacking Knight with your alchemy Fletching research done to level one.  We will talk more about what you will need for other wild levels in another article.

Once you have your troops, go to your map find a level one plain, they will look just flat. You cannot build a city on grass, water, mountains, woods, hills or bogs.  Just click on the plain and pick attack, at that point you put in the troops and the knight and hit attack.

Once the attack is finished you will see that there is a little emblem representing that you own that plain.  You might need to refresh in order to see it.  Click on the plain again and it will ask if you want to build a new castle, click on that tab and you will then be asked for a name for the city.  Once you have chosen the name click finish and it will open up the new city for you.  With the exception of the last three cities all other beginning cities look about the same.

Now go back to your first city and recall the troops that you left on your wild from the city that attacked it. Again you might not be able to see that they have returned until you refresh your game.

NEVER take another players wilds unless it meets the rules of the alliance.  If you do make a mistake, immediately notify the person by note card that you are sorry, and let the officers know what happen.  Include the name of the person the wild belongs to, the cords, and if the person is in an alliance.

These cities will go a bit different from the first one in that you can transfer the needed supply troops and archers from the first one to establish  raids for the remaining cities.  For a level one barbarian camp you will need 50 Supply Troops, 50 Archers, and 1 Raiding Knight for each raid you send out to a Level 1 Barbarian Camp.  Thus for six raids you will need a total of 300 Supply Troops, 300 Archers, and 6 Raiding Knights.

 DO NOT short change your first city raids, you just build more archers and supply troops to send to the second city.

Make sure your rally point is built as high as you can go at least level 9, and your knights hall.  As soon as the transfer the troops is complete, put them to work immediately by raiding. If you do not send the troops to raid immediately they will leave. You will notice that the food amount in your city will go red, and it will tell you that they will run out of food. Once that amount of food is gone the troops abandon the city.  So it is very important that you get them raiding for you will not be able to support them for a long period of time.

If there is anyone from the alliance on, ask for a care package of resources to tie you over till the raiding can bring in enough food and other resources.  Your resources will begin to build quickly.

Remember that you can assign as many raids as your rally point is high and to the same barbarian camp, generally the one that is the closest. Sometimes you may have to go a bit further for the smaller camps but still having the raids bringing in resources is better then having nothing coming in.

Once you get the raid going, put out the normal level one buildings, do not forget to put out your farms and storehouse, then let the raids run go over night by the time you come in the next day your resources will already have grown.  This way of building then becomes a rinse and repeat for all the remaining cities.

REMEMBER:  Never short change one cities raids for another.  Establish 5-6 raids to begin with.  All the extra troops can be transferred to other cities to get 5-6 raids running there.  This, I promise you, will take care of all your resource needs, and allow you to build quickly.

While you are building you can collect wilds for your castle, according to the level of your castle it will determine how many wilds you may have.  Each wild gives your resources a various buff according to type and level, which helps in your over all production of that resource.  To see your wilds click on your castle they will be listed there.  Before you ascend you will want to have the highest buff you can and as many as the castle holds, because  the castle will go back to level one.

You also will want to build your Guardian and Wall Defense as high as they can go, these builds will transfer to the same level after you ascend that city.  You will have to rebuild the wall but the defenses will remain.  All other buildings will drop back down to zero except for the ones mention in the previous article that will turn automatically to level 12.

To get the cities ready for ascending you need just to continue to build till the green bar at the bottom is from one end to the other, once it is there you will be able to ascend that city. You will then pick a city type I recommend Briton for your first city because there is a second alchemy lab that you will want to get researching on as soon as possible, plus some building benefits.

Building Your Cities Part 1

What Should I Do First?

This information is for beginners and first time players I thought it might be helpful to give you a step by step guide in getting all of your cities out and built within a very short time.

If you haven't done so yet, go into the store, click on the chest page and select the chest that cost "0" gems.  Within this chest you will find all the deeds for your cities, along with some Divine Inspirations, Portals and other Chests.  After purchasing it, go to your chest tab in your inventory click on it and your city deeds will appear on your court tab, the rest can be found on the other various tabs.  It is important to have the deeds to build the next cities, without it you will have to crest wilds to obtain seals which can take months of searching.

You will see that there are quests that will help you to gain more resources by completing them.  If you are part of the alliance just ask, and there is always resources to help you out. With some builds you will only be able to put out one of that type of building out.  Don't short change your buildings because each building and level count towards the city value and the ability to ascend free.  One building you can build and remove will be the market place for it is generally never used.

The following are some of the buildings you will be building: 

  1. Cottages - approximately (6) - cottages give you people to work in your farms and to build your troops with.  Each level will raise your population number. 
  2. Farms - Farms can be build out on your second page for the game (4) Farms = food; (3) Quarries = stone; (3) Sawmills = wood; (3) Mines = ore. Each time you add a level to your castle you will be given three more spots. Because your raids will bring in more of some resources then another you will need more mines then anything else. These buildings also serve as storehouses along with the main storehouse.  It is important that you keep your raids running at all times this will require you checking in once a day and reset the 24 hour timer kabam has provided or letting the bot re-set it for you.
  3. Rally Point - build this up as high as you can.  Each level at the rally point allows you to send out one more wave of troops.
  4. Knights Hall - Knights are needed for combat.  In clicking on your Knights Hall you will see your friends list with numbers behind their names.  If a friend is playing in the game you will see 55, if they are not it will be 50.  What this number represents is the experience level of your knight which will grow as you use them. Using the friends that play the game for your roles and attacking knights will start with more experience points will grow faster then people not playing the game. 
  5. Assign your Knights - From your list you will need to assign Foreman, Alchemist, Marshall, and Steward with each of them they hold a position that requires you to give them experience skill points in their specialty area.  You will also want to assign one more so it is ready for your first raid.  
  6. Raiding Knights - with these knights I make up their names i.e. "Barbarian Raid One" and so on.  Because you made the name it will start at 50 you can then add the one skill point to combat, making it level 51.  The more points added the higher gold you will pay that knight. Currently I raid level 9 raids using a level 51 knight with no problems. Knights will not collect experience as long as they are raiding which is good and bad, good in that as long as they don't collect points you don't have to pay them much, bad in that if you need a higher level Knight to attack, these Knights have very little skill.  
  7. Attacking Knights - Picking a friend who plays the game will set their level to 55. The attacking knights remain in your knight hall collecting points.   Their salaries only go up according to their skill points but you want them to be as high as they can be so remember to assign their points.  So in all you will have two sets of knights, some for raiding and some for attacking.
  8. Barracks - after placing all the other buildings use the rest of the spaces for barracks build at least one to level 4 - this will allow you to then build archers which are needed for raiding.  A level one raid will require (500) supply troops and (500) archers, the speed in which you build them will depend on the amount of barracks you place out and their levels.  You will want to continue to build your troops every day.
  9. Alchemy Lab - Look for fletching on the list, you will notice that you will have to get your logging up to four in order to get your fletching up to one, you will need that to be at least at one in order to send your archers to a barbarian level one camp.
Now continue to build your city.  Following the quests that they give you is a great way to gain resources. Also if you need resources don't hesitate to post it on a note card including the coordinates and names of your the cities, what type of resources you need, and send it to the alliance. Someone will most assuredly send you some.

As soon as possible start building your troops and establish at least six raids in the first city, once that city is doing well, find a place to put your second city and establish those raids. You can get the raiding troops easy by transferring from your bigger cities to the newer ones.  Continue this through out the remainder of your cities.

The other thing you will want to do is start cresting.  Cresting is a way for you to obtain cards for your throne room and champion hall.  Finding a throne room card to help with your building is a good way to build faster.  You can crest two ways, either from the wilds or by attacking the barbarian camps.  

NOTE:  Attacking the barb camps is different from Raiding them.  Attacking will possibly yield a card, while raiding them will bring you resources.

The purpose of getting all of your first cities out and up to ascension level is that once ascended there will be some great benefits:

  • All farms will turn to level 12's regardless of how high you have them.  Instead of having to rebuild them you will be given a certain amount of points to be placed accordingly.  Considering ore is the least amount that your raids bring in you will most likely want to use a percentage of your points there.  But we will talk about that at a later time.
  • After ascension your buildings such as blacksmith, stable, relief stations, workshop, storehouse, will automatically be consider level 12 buildings also.  So you will not have to rebuild them.
  • In replace of them they will give you more spaces for cottages and barracks, how many you build of each will determine either how fast your troops will train or how many troops you can train at a time considering that the amount of troops you can train depends on your population within your city.  This too will be something you decide when you get to that point.
  • With the changes in the storehouse and points, you will now be able to protect and collect higher levels of the various resources more efficiently.
  • Rally Point will allow you to send at least three more waves out and allow higher troop amounts to be sent.
The one draw back to building very quickly is that although your cities will be built and your might have grown, you will really be playing in a glass house.  You will now need to get your troops caught up.  Finding cards to help your troop training becomes very helpful.  At this point you will not have the troops needed to defend a city of your might.  

So after the first ascension of each of your cities, and before the next, it is very advice able that you take the time to build your troops by  making various waves of different types of troops.  This will help to rein others when they are being attack, to defend your cities, and to attack others.  

The key to growth in any game such as this is "Resources", and while your farms will bring in some resources they will not bring in enough for you to continue to build without having to wait till more develops.  Hence, establish your raids in your cities as quickly as possible. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Madness Brewing - Philosophy and Rules

Since we are starting fresh we figured it is time to come out with some guide lines on what type of alliance we want to represent. Below you will find the Philosophy and Rules of this group. If you have any other input please let me know. 

Alliance Philosophy

We stand on a "moral high ground". We will treat other players with respect and courtesy that we wish to be treated with.  We will conduct ourselves as mature adults, remembering that this is a game and not real life.  

We understand that “Fighting” is an integral element of the game design; it is interesting and can be fun. However, attacking another player to take their resources is NOT honorable, attacking another player that is unable to fight back is a "bullying" conduct. We are not wimps and will fight to protect our alliance and when other players are abused.

                        **Bullying will never be a part of this alliance.**

Alliance Rules:

1.  We are an Honorable Alliance. Bullying or Attacking another player within a lower might range will not be tolerated. Please remember what it was like to be the little guy.  Breaking ones cards down to a certain level is considered acceptable way of playing.  Considering that other alliances do break cards.  Remember that everyone can only use 11 cards at a time so the only advantage another player can have on you is better cards in their throne room.  So if you break them down, you will be expected to play in that might range.  Going for lower accounts that yield no glory is bullying. However, if you have been attacked by someone of lower might you have the option to attack or not attack no matter what your might range would be on them.

2.  Farming and Cresting Others - We will not "Farm or Crest" accounts unless they have met one of the following criteria:  

  1. Left the game 
  2. Have fallen under the "in-active" status as we have defined. 
  3. Alliance listed on the Hostile list.
Any account that has been in-active for 10 days it will be considered a "in-active" account, if that player returns to the game we will stop all attacks, and offer assistance in helping the player out. If we accidentally violate our policy we will apologize and attempt to fix the error.  

NOTICE:  If we are being farmed with wagons we will respond accordingly with wagons, despite the status of that alliance.  Farming with wagons will be-considered a Hostile act and the person attack or the alliance has the right to get the resources back.  

The Military Advisers should be made aware of the attack through note-card giving all details, and they will determine if that whole alliance should be set to hostile or just that one person. Military Advisers will contact the Ambassador if negotiations need to be made.  The Ambassador will advise all officers and members on the outcome of the negotiations.  

We as an alliance will not tolerate any members being farmed, and do what is necessary to try and stop it.  If resources were gotten back by any alliance member through attacking the guilty party, it is to be returned to the person who first got hit should they desire.

Please check with kocmon.com to determine the length the person has been off. If you need resources please message officers for help, there is "NO" excuse for farming another player for resources who is trying to enjoy this game without proper cause. 

3.  No Wild Stealing. There are many wilderness/wilds on the map, DO NOT ATTACK another players wilds. Look closely to see that no one owns the wild before you attack it. Wilds are clearly marked with either the players name or question marks meaning the player is misted, DO NOT ATTACK them.

Attacking a players owned wild means war with some alliances. Mistakes can happen but an apology can make things right.  If you have attack a wild accidentally please do the following:

  • Notify the person -  of the mistake, inform them you will hold the wild for them, remember to recall your troops, till they take it back so that they don't have to send a large amount of troops.
  • Notify their alliance - by a note to the alliance using the message button from the list of alliance of the mistake. This will let the whole alliance know it was a mistake.
  • Notify our officers - by note-card; the players name, their alliance, and the cords of the wild. 
Notice:  If a player is showing inactive for 14 days on Kocmon.com their wilds are totally free to take.  Kocmon shows you the growth and inactivity of a person for 14 days, due to the fact that level 10 and 9 wilds are hard to come by, those left in an inactive account are up for grabs.

Caution:  If you attempt to take a wild from a dead account, that is in an active alliance you will more then most likely have people from that alliance knocking at your door.  So research what you are doing before you do it, and if in doubt talk to one of the Military Advisers.

4.  Keep Chat Alive.  We realize that this might be difficult for some but we do want to encourage you to get to know your team mates. Talking about how this game works is good for everyone, so don't be shy to ask questions in open chat, or note-card and officer so it can be address when you are log on.  Talking in the chat on a regular basis will bond the alliance closer.

5.  Stay Active. We will drop you from the alliance after ten days of inactivity, unless we were informed.  By saying stay active, there is more to this game then simply coming in restarting your raids and leaving.  Smaller accounts need to be building and attempting to get your throne rooms together.  We realize that some do not bot and the ability to grow quickly is not possible, for many months I did not use a bot, however, I was able to get my accounts up high.  We have someone who will help you learn how to do that if you are not botting, do not let not botting be your excuse for not staying active.  Both Higher & Lower Accounts need to figure out how they best can help our group become an active group and pick one of the areas mention below to be a part of, this is a must to join the alliance. When you join you are saying you are agreeing with these terms.  If you do not agree with the terms then this might not be the alliance you want to join. 

If you are going to be away for a period of time "let an officer know" so we can keep an eye on your account. "Let us know" if there is a large amount of troops that will need food or if the account is basically a farm feeding another city, in addition "let us know" when you will be returning. This is simple to do, compose a note in the game, address it to either the alliance or officers, then state that you will not be on from the date your leaving till the date you will be returning, include with that any information you feel is needed concerning your cities, then send it out.  One note can reach the whole alliance.

We totally understand that real life pulls us from the game from time to time just "let us know". In cases where you will be gone for an extended period of time contact an officer and we will sent your account an invite into a back up alliance so it does not attract a lot of attention, when you return just contact an officer to be let back into Madness Brewing.

The key word is, "LET US KNOW".  If you do not inform us we will assume you lost interest in the game and remove you from the group.  Should you return to the game and want to return to the group, we will require and explanation on why you were unable to tell us why you went missing.  Your request will then be taken to the admissions committee to determine if you can return.

The reason for this is simple.  Your account when left alone will reflect as a red in active account on kocmon.com.  Just like we have a tolerance for attacking in-actives so do other alliances have the policy.  So your account becomes a hot spot to hit, and then the alliance becomes involved not knowing what is happening with you, all because you didn't take the time to inform others you cannot make it on.  We don't need details, we will not judge the reason, we just "need to know" you will not be on and for how long.

6.  Alliance Information Stays In The Alliance. Be careful what you are saying to others outside our alliance, you never know how they could use that information against the alliance.  If talking in global, watch what you say you never know who is listening and who has what alt.  This is a war game and people look for alliances weakness.

          Warning:  Reading Global to long will make you go blind and insane.

7.  No Offensive Talk, Name Calling, or Whisper Wars With Any Player. Even in the heat of battle, all members are expected to conduct themselves maturely. We are to be mindful and have respect for all our alliance mates and other game players. Inappropriate derogatory language or innuendos shows both a lack of education and poor communication skills, it will not be tolerated. 

8.  Sharing Resources & Supporting Team Mates.  We will work as a team and expect all to willingly share knowledge and resources. This includes reinforce a teammate against an attacker, and to help attack an enemy if needed.

Resources Tip:  Gathering resources is a necessary part of the game in order to take care of your troop needs and in order to build.  To find the right balance of how many raids or how much resources should be save is a little bit tricky, but necessary to do so that you don't draw unwanted attention from higher players.  If you need to send out the overflow of resources contact and officer to put you in contact with people who are currently having safe cities to deal with the overflow.

9. HAVE FUN! This is just a game. If you are getting too stressed just click the "X" and take yourself out of the game. Nothing that happens here is worth you losing your sleep over. If you have a problem with another player in this alliance, let an officer know and we will try to help work it out.

What Area Will You Be Helping With?

There are five areas that you can help within this game along with keeping the chat going. We would encourage you to find an area that best suits your personality and get involved. One of the biggest problems we face as a group is that some people either do not know what to do or feel helpless to help. We have broken down areas in which you can help and we are asking that you join at least one of them.

  • Resource Storing - this is a person who, mostly builds their cities and doesn't mind storing food for the alliance should some one get wiped out.  In general you will want good storeroom protections and make a habit out of ascending. NOTE: It is not the end of the world if the person doing AP gets hit and all resources taken.  We all should be able to take care of our own needs through our raids.  Resource storing basically acts as a place others can get rid of the excess resources, if it then gets hit its not a big deal, in-fact if it gets too much to transfer, we might suggest you send a certain amount to the next city and let that city get farmed or when you abandon the city leave the bulk of the food there to be done away with.  We do not want you to have to spend hours transferring food from one city to another.
  • Reining & Scouting - You have the troops but are unsure how to attack, you still can help by sending reins to others who are attacking or send out scouts to see who others can attack.  We do have someone who has been playing this game for sometime who will help you use the bot for scouting misted cities and sending reins to help the attackers.
  • Attackers - Enjoy the one on one combat of the game, willing to defend the alliance, and help out when others are being attacked.  Reining and Scouting is important for the attackers, in that it saves them time, and it is good to know that there are back up troops ready if they need some.  We would encourage attackers that once you have your dragon, to help others reach theirs by allowing them to put reigns in your city while being attack so they get use to how attacks work and also gain some glory experience.
  • Glory Hunting and Sharing - People who not only seek glory for themselves but willing to help others get glory by including them in on their fights.  They will weekly track the glory of the alliance and actively try to raise it.
  • Teachers - People who will willingly work with people one on one explaining how to attack, rein, and scout.  They are willing to invest time with a person until that person can fly solo. This would include allowing them to jointly attack a person, send reins to the teachers city when being attack and scout for people to jointly attack.  They will also teach the person how to read reports and give advise in areas of the throne room and champion hall.

Once you have establish what area you will be participating in, please inform the communication specialist by way of a note-card of your decisions.  This will enable us to know who is doing what within our alliance. Everyone of us are needed to be an effective alliance. If you have an idea but it is not listed here, please present that idea to the Chancellor who will then present it to the officers.

Alliance Officers and Responsibilities

Round Table Chancellors - Chat in yellow, this position will be filled by a Vice Chancellor for two months, after that time the position is switch to another vice chancellor in efforts to make leadership less hectic for just one person. All vice chancellors wishing to take their turn at leadership are to inform the communications specialist who will put together a calendar of leadership months. Those participating will also be committed to completing their vice chancellor responsibilities along with the chancellors obligations for those two months. 

Chancellors are willing to spend several hours a day to oversee the flow of the group. They will make themselves available in helping others with their needs.  They will hold meetings with the other officers discussing the needs of the group.  They will also keep current with things that are happening within our alliance, so that if someone from the alliance needs to know what is happening they can ask them. 

Current Round Table Chancellor:  Stout  
  • Coordinates events with the various Vice Chancellors and Officers.
  • Will take ideas suggestions of improvement from the alliance and funnel it to the right officers

Vice Chancellors - Chat in green, these people have certain responsibilities within the alliance.  They are committing their time every day to each of their areas and will do what they can to help the alliance run smooth. 

Current Ambassador:  SherlockHomes

  • Will act as a go between to other alliances.
  • Will bring back and inform the officers any on going disputes between alliances
  • Will propose settlements after conferring with the chancellor, officers, an any party having conflict with said alliance.
  • Will help in resolving in-house conflicts.
  • Will do independent background checks on people wishing to join the alliance.

Current Communications Specialist (Adviser):  Waterlily
  • Monthly News Letter
  • Blog
  • Facebook page updates
  • Will gather information from various sectors concerning our alliances and inform everyone of information they need to know.
  • Will do independent background checks on people wishing to join the alliance.

Current Gaming Logistics Specialist:  Xanfora and Chen Stormstout
  • Has updated information concerning all the bots of the game and browsers.
  • Will informed the alliance of new stuff that is coming out with kabam.
  • Will research problems that may happen with your account in the game.
  • Will do background checks on people wishing to join the alliance.

Current Military Advisers (Marshals):  Mouser and Legnar
  • Will make the decision to setting an Alliance to hostile and inform the other officers the reason why.
  • Will protect the group and be in charge of on going battles that ensue.
  • Will make arrangements to pair up teachers with people who want to learn.
  • Will do independent background checks on people wishing to join the alliance

Current Recruitment & In House Adviser:  Stout
  • Will be looking for various people to join our group, will then present the name to the admission committee.
  • Helps solve in house issues between players.
  • Will help players to find the area best suited for their game play.
  • Will do back ground checks on people wishing to join the alliance.
  • Will keep the communication specialist informed of players activity choice.

Specialty Officers - Chat is in gray.  These officers are very good at what they are doing and willing to take the time to help you learn more about the game.  Please utilize them to help you understand things more.  If you do not see them on, drop them a card with any question they can help in their area.

Current Might Growing & Defending:  Twitch88, JENSEN1
Current Playing Without A Bot:  Maverick935
Current Playing and Setting Up A Bot:  Micheal067, Baxter, Damacus
Current Reining and Scouting:  AlexTheBard
Current Attackers:  Shelley, VVarlord, Mouser
Current Ascension City Protection:  Khaleesie
Current Throne Room Adviser:  Michael067, Baxter

NOTE:  All positions are subject to change if the person doing the position is unable to keep up with their obligations to the group.  At that time the officers will be open for suggestions on who should take that position and a vote of majority rule will determine the person to replace the position.  We do not believe in a dictatorship style of game play.  This is your group and your voice counts.

Admissions Committee:

All people wishing to join our group will go through a background check.  If the person is a friend of a member within the alliance, that member will join the admission committee when it assembles to discuss membership.  It will be a majority rule decision.

  • Chancellor
  • Ambassador
  • At Least One Person From Military Advisers
  • Communications Specialist
  • Gaming Logistics Specialist
  • Two Members From The Alliance

That person will then be let into the alliance on a two week probationary period, in which at that time they will be expected to engage in the ways of the alliance.  If they are unwilling or do not try to participate with no good excuse as to why, they will be booted from the group.

It is impossible to keep out all spies and other potentially harmful game players.  But we will do our best to not bring in people who will disrupt our way of playing.  

Membership Participation:

Members written in blue are members already committed to the new Alliance.

Xanfora: Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Glory Hunting / Sharing
Chen Stormstout: Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Glory Hunting / Sharing
Waterlily: Reining, Scouting, and Attacking
Khaleesie:  Storehouse Protection and Reining
SherlockHolmes: Reining, Scouting, and Attacking
Stout:  Reining, Scouting, and Attacking
Mouser: Storehouse, Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Teaching
Legnar:  Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Teaching
Maverick935:  Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
AlexTheBard:  Reining, Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
Twitch88:  Reining, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
JENSEN1:  Reining, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
OutOfTheWay:  Reining, Scouting, and Attacking 
Damacus:  SpecialtyTeaching
Avante:  Reining and Scouting
Mike The Mighty:
Micheal067:  Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
Baxter:  Scouting, Attacking, and Specialty Teaching
Garilore: Scouting and Reining
Moonshine:  Reining and Scouting
Angry_Bastard:  Reining, Scouting, and Attacking